Linux on a cash register

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Here's the POST. It's pretty much a regular PC, just very small. It has a plain Award BIOS, with some funky options. This is as far as I could get it to boot. It asks if I want to load "MemoryMAX software". If I say yes, it'll crunch around a bit and then hang. If I say no, it'll crunch around a bit and then hang. So I have no idea what OS it runs. I'm going to find out, though. My intention is to replace the hard drive with an older one I have kicking aorund, and then dd an image of the one it came with. I can then mount it via the loopback and poke around in it. I'm assuming it's got a DOS filesystem. Hoping anyway. But I can play around with mount's -t options until I can read it.

Anyway, on the actual BIOS info screen, you can see that it has 4MB EDO RAM, two serial ports, a parallel port, a floppy and an 8 GB hard drive all powered by a Pentium MMX CPU running at 233MHz. I was seriously wondering why they have such a large hard drives with puny amounts of RAM. Were they caching (no pun intended) stuff locally? Were the smallest new drives they could get 8 GB? No way to know.